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Keycloak provider setup for Users & Permissions

The present page explains how to setup the Keycloak provider for the Users & Permissions feature.


You have read the Users & Permissions providers documentation.

Keycloak configuration


Keycloak accepts the localhost urls.
The use of ngrok is not needed.

  1. Visit your Keycloak admin dashboard
  2. If you don't already have a realm, you'll want to create one
  3. In the Clients section of your realm, create a new client
  4. Under the capability config, ensure you set Client Authentication to on to ensure you can create a private key
  5. Under the access settings, ensure you set the following values:
    • Valid redirect URIs: http://localhost:1337/api/connect/keycloak/callback and http://localhost:1337/api/connect/keycloak
    • Allowed Web Origins: http://localhost:3000 and http://localhost:1337
  6. In the Client Scopes section, ensure you have the email and profile scopes set to default
  7. In the Client Scopes section, ensure you have the openid scope set to default, if you don't have this you will need to manually create it in the global Client Scopes

Strapi configuration

  1. Visit the User & Permissions provider settings page at http://localhost:1337/admin/settings/users-permissions/providers
  2. Click on the Keycloak provider
  3. Fill the information:
    • Enable: ON
    • Client ID: <Your Keycloak Client ID>
    • Client Secret: <Your Keycloak Client Secret>
    • Subdomain: <Your Keycloak realm url>, example is either or without the protocol before it
    • The redirect URL to your front-end app: http://localhost:3000/connect/keycloak/redirect
    • (Optional) Set the JWKS URL if you have a custom JWKS URL, example is like

Your configuration is done. Launch the backend and the react login example application, go to http://localhost:3000 and try to connect to the provider you configured.