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Auth0 provider setup for Users & Permissions

The present page explains how to setup the Auth0 provider for the Users & Permissions feature.


You have read the Users & Permissions providers documentation.

Auth0 configuration


AWS Cognito accepts the localhost urls.
The use of ngrok is not needed.

  1. Visit your Auth0 tenant dashboard
  2. In API section, create a new API
  3. In application, create a machine-to-machine application and select the API that you have just created
  4. In settings of this app set these values:
    • Allowed Callback URLs: http://localhost:1337/api/connect/auth0/callback
    • Allowed Logout URLs: http://localhost:3000
    • Allowed Web Origins: http://localhost:3000
  5. At the bottom of settings, show "Advanced Settings" and go to the "Grant Types". Ensure that these grants are checked/enabled:
    • Implicit
    • Authorization Code
    • Refresh Token
    • Client Credentials

Strapi configuration

  1. Visit the User & Permissions provider settings page at http://localhost:1337/admin/settings/users-permissions/providers
  2. Click on the Auth0 provider
  3. Fill the information:
    • Enable: ON
    • Client ID: <Your Auth0 Client ID>
    • Client Secret: <Your Auth0 Client Secret>
    • Subdomain: <Your Auth0 tenant url>, example it is the part in bold in the following url:
    • The redirect URL to your front-end app: http://localhost:3000/connect/auth0

Your configuration is done. Launch the backend and the react login example application, go to http://localhost:3000 and try to connect to the provider you configured.